Accommodation Application
A note about this form: if you are an artist or arts worker travelling through Broken Hill and needing cheap accommodation, continue on!
However, if you are applying for the Artist in Residence program, use the Artist in Residence Application Form to apply for your Residency with BHAE.
Please note, only applications from members of BHAE will be approved for accommodation.
Please first become a Member of BHAE.
As a member you’ll also receive discounts on workshops, have the ability to join our annual meeting and help make decisions for the direction of the organisation, and receive all the latest news from BHAE.
Once you have completed the application you can reserve your accommodation here it will send an inquiry to BHAE. One of our volunteers will be in touch via phone or email to confirm the booking with 7 days. If you require more urgent accommodation contact us via the phone number below once you have completed you application.