Apply for Membership

Get discounts on workshops and events, stay up-to-date on the latest news and happenings, and help guide the future of the BHAE! Today is the best time to get involved with this gorgeous and growing community of artists.

How to become a Member:

  1. Membership Type (single $25 or group $75) Annual Membership is due in May each year ( Group member ship of 6 or more people)

  2. Select membership type and how you would like to pay. Options include online now via card, direct debit into our bank account ( we will send you an invoice if you choose this option) come into the Grand and pay in person.

  3. Select add to cart. Then select the cart in the corner. When you go to the checkout you will be asked to fill in your details .You will only be charged if you selected pay now.

  4. Gain instant discounts on Workshops, Accommodation and stay in the loop on all things BHAE!

BHAE Membership
from $0.00