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Desert Equinox 2018

2018 Calendar

The Desert Equinox Prelude is an environmental program with a yearly calendar of events in Broken Hill by visiting artists in residence, local artists and the wider community. The events consist of artist talks, projects, exhibitions, performances, special projects and art prizes. The Desert Equinox themes encompass the subjects of Solar (Sun/fire), Earth, Water & Air.

For inclusion into the 2019 program apply for a residency or contact the Broken Hill Art Exchange Inc. for more information,

Tel: 08 80884698 Email: info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au

Office: The Residencies@The Grand, 313 Argent Street Broken Hill NSW 2880


2018 Desert Equinox 'Solar' & 'Wind'

Art prize, Broken Hill

$2,000 Prize pool

Proudly presented by the Broken Hill Art Exchange. Sponsor AGL Ltd., Broken Hill City Council & Shutterbug Picture & Framing - Registrations closed 5pm 21 May 2018. To review the registration form click below or for more information about upcoming eventsphone the Broken Hill Art Exchange Inc on 08 80884698 or email info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au

2018 Desert Equinox Registration Form

Registration has now closed, see entrants artworks below


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Artist In Residence @ Duff Street, Broken Hill Art Exchange

'River of Time' by John "Jacko" Alty

Broken Hill Art Exchange welcomes John 'Jacko' Alty back to Broken Hill to develop large scale works about the Murray River, Australia. John spent two years living on the river in his hand crafted raft. He then arrived at the art exchange and stayed for two more years painting the 'River of Time'. This large scale painting across sixteen doors has been exhibited at festivals and galleries. In 2018 John returns to produce other artworks along the same theme, which is timely for the city of Broken Hill in context to the communities of the Far West Region of Australia's passion for protecting the Darling River, its current water supply (for more information visit http://discoveringthedarling.com.au/issues-challenges/the-darling-river-action-group/) together with the new Broken Hill Pipeline initiative by WaterNSW.

"WaterNSW has appointed a consortium of John Holland, MPC Group and TRILITY to design, construct, operate and maintain the River Murray to Broken Hill Pipeline, as part of the NSW Government’s investment in regional water security. Detailed planning and design works will commence immediately with construction to start in January 2018. The pipeline will be completed and ready for water by December 2018. The 270 km pipeline will supply up to 37.4 megalitres of a peak daily demand of raw water to Essential Water in Broken Hill as the local water provider. Essential Water will continue to retain responsibility for water treatment and water distribution to its customers. The raw water will be sourced near Wentworth on the River Murray with the pipeline being constructed underground and to generally follow the Silver City Highway corridor to Broken Hill." http://www.waternsw.com.au/projects/murray-to-broken-hill-pipeline


Artist In Residence @ Duff Street, Broken Hill Art Exchange

'I want to stay here' by Peter Osborne

Peter Osborne is artist in residence producing work for his upcoming exhibition at the the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery in September 2018. The work is about "finding a place to settle",not just finding a physical place but also a state of mind that is settled and content.

Writer in Residence @ Duff Street, Broken Hill Art Exchange


Life Story writing by Graeme Gibson

Tuesday 27 February, 1 - 4pm, Broken Hill Art Exchange 149 Duff Street Park, Broken Hill.

This practical workshops helped anyone interested in writing about some aspect of their life - including growing up or living in the local are, relationship with the land, local history, experiences of other cultures and travel. Whether participants were interested in memoirs, travel dairy's, articles for a newspapers or magazines, poetry or essays, this workshop supported all kinds of writing. Practical experience of various writing techniques were included in the workshops. A range of exercises assisted with story selection, planning, getting started, overcoming blocks, editing - and writing that's enjoyable to read. The workshop suited both beginners and more experienced writers.

The workshop presenter drew upon his background in adult learning and community development Graeme Gibson has presented writing workshops since 2007. Graeme Gibson has contributed to a number of short story collections, published essays and feature articles and self published the non-fiction book 'Beyond Fear and Loathing: Local politics at work". For more information about Graeme see www.morethanjusttalk.com.au

Community News Flash

Exhibitions | 2nd February 2018 – 8th April 2018 | Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery – Free Event

Event times: Monday to Friday 10.00am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday 1:00pm - 5pm



Writer in Residence @ Duff Street, Broken Hill Art Exchange


'Little Literature in the Lane' Writing Workshops by Graeme Gibson

3 March: Workshop 1: 10am - 12:30pm Workshop 2: 1:30pm - 4pm.

Two workshops were held at the Grand Kitchen Heritage Courtyard 313 Argent Street (entry through Crystal Lane), Broken Hill. Graeme Gibson from More Than Just Talk (www.morethanjusttalk.com.au) assisted participants in developing their writing skills as they were writing stories about the unique lane ways of Broken Hill. The workshops aimed to start up a Literature Lane in the city. A free exhibition, displaying the outcomes of the workshops was held on the evening and people are invited to submit more stories about the lanes to info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au in the lead up to Heritage week in April 2018.

Group Exhibition by Helene Power, Asma, Susan Thomas, Gritta Walker, Sam Oster and Karl James


5th March - 30th April 2018: Exhibition at The Lodge Outback Motel 252 Mica St, Broken Hill

10th March 3pm: Artists afternoon tea

It has long been the vision of the Broken Hill Art Exchange to use the public area at the Lodge Outback Motel to display art, so it is with great excitement we anticipate the opening of this group show. The artists will be showcasing the landscapes and colours of the outback and the exhibition is part of the Broken Hill Art Exchange's Solar and Wind Desert Equinox.

Each of the featured artists will bring their individual interpretation to the title 'Outback, colour and wind'. One of the artists that will be featured is Helene Power, besides being joint owner of the motel, she has also worked as a visual artist using soft pastels, pencils and clay. Her point of focus has been the Australian landscape, taking inspiration from the strong and vibrant energy of the vast plains, the red dirt, the heat intensity and the dust storms; an energy and landscape that stands in strong contrast to Denmark, where she grew up. Along with Helene, the group of artists represented in the exhibition include Susan Thomas, Asma and Karl James. Susan was born in Broken Hill, she is the founder of the Broken Hill Art Exchange and drawing and painting are her key practices; Asma is a printmaker who moved to the city approximately seven years ago; Gritta Walker has moved to the city to live and work; Sam Oster is an Adelaide based artist in South Australia and Karl James is as a self- taught, multi award winning artist working from Whyalla in regional South Australia. His oeuvre is wide and ranges from colourful, expressionist, figurative narratives and portraits in oil and watercolour to charcoal, pastel and mixed media drawings, mono prints, linocuts and collages.

Outback Colour & Wind

Community News Flash


Event time: 9th March – 13th May



Far West Feltmakers at the Kitchen Gallery, Residency @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange 313 Argent Street Broken Hill (enter from Crystal Lane)

Event Date: 10th of March Event Time: 10am - 2pm

For more information contact jennyshroff@gmail.com or visit the Broken Hill Art Exchange Facebook page

Community News Flash

Charles Rasp Memorial Library - Toddler time – Free Event


Event Date: 23rd March 2018 30th March 2018

Event time: 10:00am - 10.30am

Knit 'n Yarn – Free Event

Event Date: 23th March 2018 30th March 2018

Event time: 10:00am – Midday


Two Up - The Palace Hotel – Free Event


Event Date: 23rd March 2018 30th March 2018

Event time: 9:00pm

Exhibition Opening | 23 March 2018 | Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 23rd March 2018 Event time: 6:00pm



'Borderline' by Shane Vink

Event Date: 23 March - 3 June 2018 Regional Art Gallery Broken Hill



Artist in residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Exhibition: 'Two- Down' exhibition by Alana Wesley and Frankie Chow

Australian Horror is a genre that often departs from supernatural themes and renders reality as the pervasive terror. In their first collaborative project, artist Frankie Chow and Alana Wesley will extend their respective investigations into the horror of the everyday to create a site-specific body of work in Broken Hill. They will deal with Earth as their element, focusing largely upon transforming the landscape into an ominous presence, both filmically and performatively. This location is imperative to the development of these proposed ideas as Broken Hill is site that not only aesthetically mirrors the deserted "outback" landscape portrayed in iconic Australian films such as Wolf Creek or Picnic at Hanging Rock, it is also the location where Wake In Fright was filmed, which is a text that will act as a source of inspiration. Chow and Wesley will explore how Australian horror is derived from a white, colonial fear of the unknown. They will also evaluate how they are personally perceived as the Other, both culturally (both artist are from Australia, yet look and/or appear "foreign") and as women, given that the large proportion of these texts have a strong focus on mateship culture. Ultimately, the outcome of this one month residency will be a series of onsite performances, documented through sound and video, and exhibited at the Broken Hill Art Exchange. The work will portray both Australia's natural landscape and its national culture as equally ominous threats.

Artist in Residence @ Duff Street, Broken Hill Art Exchange

'Following Macquarie's Honey Dollar' by Penelope Cain

This residency is part of a wider project following the path of Governor Lachlan Macquarie's silver coin. These river coins were counter-punched Spanish silver dollars (from the British Government, shipped on behalf of the crown by the East India Company), as a stopgap currency in the expanding colony of Sydney. Replacing the informal currency of rum with silver coins originally captured in territorial and trade battles between Spain and Britain compounds Cain's interest, aside from its later use as a logo by Macquarie Bank. The coin is an initiator for investigations around power, colonialism and globalisation. In this phase the project Cain will investigate silver mining in Broken Hill from both a landscape and economic perspective. The silver mine was active after the time of the holy dollar, Cain plans to investigate whether any silver was used in the replacement currency. Equally Cain is intrigued by the solar farm industry and its comparative landscape and economics, and how the informal currency of sunlight could be an emerging currency in a future energy limited world. This residency fits equally well with the themes of solar and earth and primarily for research, documentation (photo and video), and to connect with other local and regional artists and producers.

Artist in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Simon Terrill's Crowd Theory Project - Exploring Broken Hill

An ongoing series of photographic and performance based events with crowd, communities, and the spaces they occupy. The work seeks to explore a contrasting and oscillating space between the personal and the public, the individual and the collective and the impact of these fluid definitions on architecture, portraiture and photograph.

2018 Heritage Festival - Stories of the Grand Guesthouse

30 April 2018

Event time: 10am & 4pm

Guided Tour and Talk by Broken Hill Art Exchange member Gigi Barbe.

Gold Coin Donation

Contact name: Gigi Barbe

Contact phone: 0416 111 659

Event Cost: Gold Coin Donation

Location: The Grand Guesthouse 313 Argent Street

Community News Flash

Broken Hill Chess Club – Broken Hill City Library – Free Event

Event Date: 1st April 2018 8th April 2018 15th April 2018 22nd April 2018

Event time: 1.00pm to 5.00pm


Tenori : Timeless - Broken Hill Musicians Club

Event Cost: Adults $55, Concession $50, Under 12 $20

Event Date: 6th April 2018 Event time: 7.30pm


2018 | Far West Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Prize; Official Opening and Prize Announcements – Free Event

Event Date: 13th April 2018 Event time: 6pm


Exhibitions | 14 April - 3 June 2018 | Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 14th April 2018 to 3 June 2018


Community Markets – 200 Beryl Street – Free Event

Event Date: 14th April 2018

Event time: 8.00am - 1.00pm



21 May - 5pm: Entries closed for the 2018 Desert Equinox 'Solar' & 'Wind' art prize, Broken Hill - $2,000 Prize pool

Exhibition Sat 9 June

Proudly presented by the Broken Hill Art Exchange. Major sponsor AGL Ltd. For more information phone the Broken Hill Art Exchange Inc on 08 80883171 or email info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au

Click below to download and fill out the registration form - free to enter.

Registration Form

Bingo at The Senior Lounge - North Mine Hall - $5 per Card

Event Date: 1 May 2018

Event time: 1.30 pm - 2pm


Poets in the Pub - Black Lion Inn

Event Date: 7 May 2018


Community Markets – 200 Beryl Street – Free Event

Event Date: 12 May 2018

Event time: 8.00am - 1.00pm


Exhibitions | 14 April - 3 June 2018 | Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 14 April 2018 to 3 June 2018


Penrose Park Picnic Train – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 20 May 2018

Event time: 10am - 1pm


The Sims Metal Waste to Art & design 2018 Exhibition – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 19 May 2018 to 1st July 2018

Event time: 2.00pm

Event Location: Geocentre, Bromide St & Crystal Ln



The Desert Equinox Solar & Wind city wide Prize Art Exhibition

Opens 9 June and closes 1 July 2018, a Broken Hill Art Exchange production proudly supported by AGL Ltd and Broken Hill City Council.

A whole of city art exhibition with multiple events. During the exhibition artworks are installed at sites with high visibility (shopfronts. fences. landmarks and gardens etc.) and framed by the city's architectural, climatic, historical and heritage landscapes. Broken Hill's unique natural and built environments inspire artists from all over the world working across all fields of art. The city is home to a high population of artists. The Desert Equinox events are preludes to the establishment of a Broken Hill Biennale of Art. The city is located in the arid zone desert region of Far West New South Wales Australia and renowned world wide for its mineral mining and its role in building the nation. The concept of mining is an apt description applicable today to Broken Hill's other abundant resources, sunshine and uninterrupted landscapes. Surrounding the city is the AGL Solar Plant established in 2017 and the soon to be operational Wind Farm. Renewable energy providers are capitalising on Broken Hill's limitless sunshine (which from many artists perspective, particularly film makers and painters produces 'golden light') and from the winds sweeping across wide open plains and hillsides. These new technologies not only produce electricity but also create new modes of expression and contexts for the production of art.

Desert Equinox Solar & Wind Launch

9th June 6:00pm

313 Argent Street, The Grand - Courtyard

The Broken Hill Art Exchange presents its spectacular Desert Equinox launch party. We welcome artists, volunteers and the public to an open event. This exciting one-night encounter will detail what the Solar & Wind exhibition is all about. Food and beverages will be available for purchase and proceeds go towards our non-for-profit organisation and setting up our new building here at The Grand. Come along and pick up a catalogue featuring all the artworks entered into the prize as well as the new Broken Hill Art Gallery Guide. Grab a drink, bring a friend, find out what Broken Hill Art Exchange @The Grand has to offer and enjoy the nights performances!

Community News Flash

Exhibitions | 14 April - 3 June 2018 | Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 14 April 2018 to 3 June 2018


'Borderline', exhibition opening of Shane Vink's paintings

23 March - 3 June 2018 Regional Art Gallery Broken Hill


Poets in the Pub - Black Lion Inn - Free Event

Event Date: 4 June 2018

Event Time: 7pm


Bingo at The Senior Lounge - North Mine Hall - $5 per Card

Event Date: 5 June 2018

Event time: 1:30 pm - 2 pm


Community Markets – 200 Beryl Street – Free Event

Event Date: 9 June 2018

Event time: 8.00am - 1.00pm


Penrose Park Picnic Train – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 17 June 2018

Event time: 10am - 1pm



AWARDS CEREMONY for the Desert Equinox 'Solar & Wind', $2,000 city wide art challenge. Congratulations to all the winners and awardees including:

Winner in the category of 'Wind' was Alison Jones

Winners in the category of Solar were Blake Griffiths & Hanifa Leonie Macfarlane

Railway Town Public School recieved a special award for their whole of school participation with $100 from the Broken Hill Art Exchange plus a $100 voucher from the Regional Art Gallery.

Highly commended artists were Annette Minchin, Armando Licul, Bushy Kevin White, Chook Banks, Gunter Kairies, Jenny Cattonar, Maureen Clarke and Peter Osborn.

Images (left to right) 1. Airship: Sail the Skies by Alison Jones, 2. National Emblem Reconstruction (self reflection & sun preservation illuminated), 3. Afternoon Light through the Asr prayer window by Hanifa Leoni Macfarlane

Artworks by highly commended artists are link to below:


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Water & Earth Season

2018 Desert Equinox July - NovemberProgram

Entry forms are now available to enter the Water & Earth Art prize

Registrations close 7 October 2018


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Community News Flash

Poets in the Pub - Black Lion Inn

Event Date: 2 July 2018

Event Time: 7pm


Bingo at The Senior Lounge - North Mine Hall - $5 per Card

Event Date: 3 July 2018

Event time: 1.30 pm - 2pm


Community Markets – 200 Beryl Street – Free Event

Event Date: 14 July 2018

Event time: 8.00am - 1.00pm


Penrose Park Picnic Train – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 15 July 2018

Event time: 10am - 1pm



Artist In Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Exhibition: 'ORCHID' by Ryan Hoffmann

Saturday 18 August, 11am - 3pm, open day with the artist

The Grand, 313 Argent Street, Broken Hill (entry via Crystal Lane)

'ORCHID' by Ryan Hoffman: The works involve a process where body sized elliptical moulded paintings are made directly from a hole in the ground. Hoffman has been testing the process for the past 12 months with various outcomes and made a series of 8 paintings during the residency. Hoffman also cast sculptures of wild dogs during his residency, which will be shown along with the paintings.

The material elements in Hoffmann's work are not accorded solely an object character, but as instruments, serve a function. Layers of moulded paint form paraboloidal shapes that protrude form the wall: voids, reflections and acoustic reverberations are experienced anew by each individual who interacts with the work. The works become autonomous. Time stamps, catalogue numbers and titles reference a position of work within a longer series, presenting a system for recording the Hoffman's life and gesture as an artist.

Images (left to right) 1. RH 243 Shinjuku, Japan (11:57 12/0/216), 2016 moulded oil paint, synthetic polymer, gypsum, CSM, marble dust, wax, Tasmanian oak, marine ply and aluminium145 x 145 x 25 cm, 2. ‘AIR’, 2017. Liverpool Street Gallery, Sydney (Install shot), 3. Process shot of ‘MIRAGE’ painting test. ‘Pit #2’ Bellbird, Goodmans Ford, NSW, 4. Pit #2 Bellbird, Goodmans Ford, NSW (27/09/17) RH 284. 2017. Polished aluminium deposit, enamel, moulded oil paint, synthetic polymer, gypsum, CSM, marble dust, wax, spotted gum, stainless steel, aluminium. 170 x 65 x 25 cm

Community News Flash

Poets in the Pub - Black Lion Inn

Event Date: 6 August 2018

Event Time: 7pm


Penrose Park Picnic Train – Gold Coin Donation

Event Date: 19 August 2018

Event time: 10am - 1pm


Community Markets – 200 Beryl Street – Free Event

Event Date: 11 August 2018

Event time: 8.00am - 1.00pm


Always, Patsy Cline – Broken Hill Musicians Club

Event Date: 15 August 2018

Event time: 7.00pm

Event Cost: Tables - Adult $55, Concession $50, 12 & Under $25 - Flat seating - Adults $50, Concession $45, 12 & Under $20


cid:image001.png@01D2AC5E.85ADF840ENROL NOW - THE FOLLOWING COURSE IS FULLY SUBSIDISED* *No course fee required: Must be an Australian Citizen and live or work in NSW, over 15 years of age and no longer at school. 166-54557V01 SOA Create and Manage a WordPress Website 18BHL-155 This online course will provide you the skills and knowledge required to develop, manage and maintain a simple website using popular free content management software, WordPress. Students will also learn about the software functions and features of Imaging Editing software and associated products to help you manage, enhance and edit digital images for your website. Learners must have basic computer user skills including knowledge of downloading and installing software, management of your files and folders, and a good internet connection. Starts: Wednesday 22nd August at 6pm Ends: Wednesday 28th November (Course duration 13 weeks) For further information and or to enrol: contact Alison Burt on 08 8082 6826


Artists in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Alexandria Evenden, visual artist and Ethan Leversha, musician

The purpose of this residency is to investigate, collect and form a body of work. The work relates to the documentation of an environment (Broken Hill earth, lakes) through photographs. As photographic paper is made from silver and silver is mined from Broken Hill's earth, the aim of this project is to symbolically place the silver back into the environment in order to document the space. As the work requires a lot of process and research a musical soundtrack will be built around the work in order to inform and enhance narrative. Through capturing a dialogue utilising sound, the work will mirror the juxtaposition, origin and inception.

Artist in Residence @ The Grand

Exhibition:"Army of Me" By Jaddan Bruhn

Jaddan Bruhn's 3D Anaglyph Nude Portraits at The kitchen Gallery, Broken Hill Art Exchange, The Grand 313 Argent St, Broken Hill (gallery entry via Crystal Lane)

3rd September 7pm Opening Night

Exhibition Gallery Hours

4th - 6th September 11am - 6pm

7th- 9th September 10:30am - 9pm

“Army of Me” is a series of 10 nude male portraits depicting the Greeks gods (Ares, Adonis, Apollo, Dionysus, Eros, Hades, Hermes, Heracles, Poseidon and Zeus). It explores issues of male image and identity, how conventional beauty is defined, perceptions of masculinity & recognition heuristics.

In Mythology Edith Hamilton writes: “The world of Greek mythology was not a place of terror for the human spirit. It is true that the gods were disconcertingly incalculable. One could never tell where Zeus’s thunderbolt would strike. Nevertheless, the whole divine company, with a very few and for the most part not important exceptions, were entrancingly beautiful with a human beauty, and nothing humanly beautiful is really terrifying. The early Greek mythologists transformed a world full of fear into a world full of beauty.” Army of Me contemplates the allocation of traits amongst the gods in Greek mythology; traits within us, at our disposal, to build, shape, understand, harness, or excise. Look beyond the homogenised masks one moulds to shield intent & embrace the multiplicity of possibilities manifested by Mount Olympus.

About the Artist

Jaddan Bruhn is a Sydney based Broken Hill born Visual Artist working in photography. Following a career change in the early 2000s, Bruhn developed an interest in visual communication and heuristics. After studying Advertising and receiving an Order of Merit in the Marketing Agencies Association Worldwide Global Academic Challenge in 2010, Bruhn spent some time travelling overseas where he developed the concept for his “I love JADDAN” range of greeting cards, prints, metal art, accessories and homewares, currently available in retail stores in New South Wales. In 2015 Bruhn was awarded a TAFE Directors Australia Scholarship and completed a Diploma in Photographic Imaging. Influenced by the work of Pierre & Gilles, Gilbert & George, Salvador Dali, Irving Penn, George Quaintance, Bob Mizer and Robert Mapplethorpe, Bruhn’s interest in alternative forms of photographic processing and presentation lead him to experimenting with 3D anaglyph techniques. His series “Army of Me” has been exhibited at The Muse in Sydney in 2015, and at SEXPO Health, Sexuality & Lifestyle Expo in Melbourne in 2016.

Artist in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Peter Osborn

Peter Osborn is continuing his research and art concerning his family in Broken Hill c. 1900 and the Broken Hill landscape and environment. There will be an exhibition of Peter's work at the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery based on his grandfathers WW1 experiences and diary, reflecting on the huge contrast of growing up in Broken Hill and then fighting in France and Belgium.




A city wide art exhibition in Broken Hill on the subjects of 'Water' & 'Earth'

Registration closes Sunday 7 October 2018 at midnight. Open to all art forms and there is a prize pool of $2,000 to be won. The exhibition opens Saturday 3 November and runs until Sunday 25 November 2018. Entry fee is $15, and free to members of the Broken Hill Art Exchange. Artworks must be completed and installed by Friday 2 November 2018. To enter the art prize and exhibition email or post a completed registration form together with a jpeg of the artwork or the work in progress for the catalogue. E: info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au or post to PO Box 1083 Broken Hill NSW AUSTRALIA 2880. For more information telephone 08 80884698 or visit the Broken Hill Art Exchange website or facebook page.


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Tuesday Browell

Artist in Residence @ The Grand

Broken Hill Art Exchange


Writer in Residence @ The Grand

Broken Hill Art Exchange

Duncan Stachan

"Duncan Strachan is a current student of RMIT's Professional Writing and Editing program, a freelance editor and an aspiring author. He recently spent a month living as an Artist in Residence at the Broken Hill Art Exchange where he further developed a manuscript, drafted several short stories and wrote an article about his experience in Broken Hill. Duncan works with themes of masculinity, addiction, mental illness and grief, and can be contacted at duncan2056@gmail.com."

Wayne William's Youth Art Prize

BHAE is super proud to announce the "Wayne Williams Prize", a drawing competition for young people with a Primary School age and Secondary School age category. It's open to all young people in and around the region, and runs from now (Wed 11 Oct) until close of entries on Friday 2 November.

Here's what you do: Create a PENCIL drawing on a SHEET OF A4 PAPER using Water or Earth as your inspiration.

On the back, write your name, date of birth, and the name of your school.

Drop it in to us, BHAE @ The Grand, 313 Argent Street, Broken Hill.


All entries will be laminated by us and included in an exhibition in the Kitchen Gallery (at The Grand). The winners will be announced on Saturday 24 November at the closing of the Water - Earth Desert Equinox.

And here's the good part - Entering this competition DOESN'T exclude you from entering other BHAE competitions (such as the Water-Earth City Art Challenge). So, come on Mums and Dads - get the kids together and see what they can come up with!

HUGE THANKS TO WAYNE WILLIAMS, Broken Hill Artist, for his generous prize endowment.???

Contact us on 08 80884698for details or with any questions and we'd be happy to help. Hope to hear from you all soon!!

Artists in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Alison Clouston & Boyd

"Musician, composer and sound artist Boyd and visual artist Alison Clouston have collaborated over many years to create immersive sound and sculpture installations, for galleries and alternative sites, both inside and out in the landscape. They bring their close observations of the natural world into a poetically charged relationship with technology to examine our human place within the rest of nature." https://www.burragorang.org/

During their artist residency @ The Grand Alison exhibited a work in progress using goatskin at West Darling Art Art Gallery in Broken Hill. According to Alison Goats are threatening the habitat of the Barrier Range Dragon and by embedding the image of native species into the fur of the goat skin is imagining them reoccupying their habitat.

Alison in collaboration with sound artist Boyd are working on The Art of Threatened Species project an Orana Arts and Office of Environment and Heritage initiative. This initiative is bringing artists and scientists together to make work on 10 threatened species State-wide. Their species is the Barrier Range Dragon, Ctenophorus mirrityana, and while in residence at the Broken Hill Art Exchange the artists explored the environs of Broken Hill for their upcoming project.

"We know that Indigenous people would have been familiar with it, and there are petroglyphs of lizards at Mutawintji. The OEH is also interested in community engagement and will be running a workshop about the species in Broken Hill at some point. It would be great to bring the two disciplines together."

https://youtu.be/J1BR2UxAYl0, https://youtu.be/0EAkmtqnlr8, https://youtu.be/u3KAFclsEqY

Wayne Williams 2018 Youth Art Prize winners

Congratulations to all the entrants for their wonderful artworks! Artist Wayne Williams and the Broken Hill Art Exchange are proud to announce the prize winners of the exhibition as Greg Comey, awarded $100 First prize in the Secondary School age Category and Benjamin Miller awarded $100 First Prize in the Primary age category. A $50 Highly Commended was also awarded to Madison Stewart. Well done to our winners and to all the young budding artists of Broken Hill who participated!

Desert Equinox Water & Earth

The city wide art challenge exhibiting in shops and dwellings across Broken Hill

Saturday 3 November to Saturday 24 November 2018

Each year BHAE develops a Desert Equinox program of events. The subjects from July to December were ‘Water’ and ‘Earth’. At the closing of each Desert Equinox season there is an open art exhibition held at locations throughout the city. The aim is to produce artworks viewed from the street that express or refer to the challenges of human built environments or the beauty of the natural world. We invite you to join us in celebrating the events of the Water & Earth season by visiting all the artworks on display across Broken Hill done by visiting and local artists alike.

At the closing of the exhibition awards will be presented to winners in the exhibition sharing a $2,000 prize pool. The Awards for the city wide art exhibition will be held on 24 November Town Square, Argent Street Broken Hill at 11am.

The Broken Hill Art Exchange wishes to congratulate all the entrants on their work and a wonderful exhibition for the 2018 Desert Equinox Water & Earth Art prize.

Water & Earth Desert Equinox Almanac & Exhibition Catalogue.pdf Water & Earth Desert Equinox Almanac & Exhibition Catalogue.pdf

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Opening of the City Wide 'Water & Earth' Art Exhibition, Broken Hill 2018.

A brilliant day had by all discovering over 33 artworks displayed in shop windows throughout the main street. Thankfully there was plenty of water on hand for thirsty patrons.

Desert Equinox Water & Earth

$1000 ArtAwards

Ghislaine Barbe on the subject of water and Jenny Cattonar on the subject of earth each won first prize at the awards ceremony held in the Broken Hill Town Square on Saturday 24 November. Highly Commended went to Peter Osborn and Jaddan Bruhn. The awards were a combined event held by Broken Hill Art Exchange and West Darling Arts, Broken Hill.


Gigi Barbe was a member of that sad group of people who were told to 'forget it' by their art school teacher. Finally getting over this stigma she is currently exploring different mediums to satisfy her artistic curiosity. It is with gratitude for the encouragement received from the artistic community of Broken Hill that Gigi continues to enter her work in the Desert Equinox Prize Art Exhibitions.

THE AWARD WINNING PAINTING - They Sought no 'Eternal' peace...

Exhibited at PCYC 58 Gypsum Street Broken Hill

"Ghostly figures emerge from the depth of the ocean. These are the men, women and children who, having escaped from war-torn zones, had embarked on a perilous journey across the seas to find shelter and peace at last. Media reports blame treacherous, tempestuous, turbulent waters for their death. But aren't the real culprits on the shores?"


Jenny is an artist in Broken Hill who has an extensive resume of produced works and exhibitions. Her works have been shown in France, Croatia, Italy, USA, England and Sweden. Many of her paintings have been prize-winning works, and she has been commissioned by Broken Hill City Council and by Australian and International collectors. Jenny's art gallery 'Spirit of the Outback' is located at 662 Argent Street Broken Hill. The galley is open daily from 10 - 5pm and to contact Jenny or make inquires about her art the gallery email address is jenny.cattonar@gmail.com


Exhibited at Outback Real Estate, Broken Hill

'We are having the worst drought in a decade. The land is parched, there is little feed and water for the suffering farmers who are struggling to keep livestock from perishing. Feed is being transported to the properties in semi-trailers-some from as far as Western Australia. With global warming there is little relief in sight."

'Mother' by Jaddan Bruhn - Highly Commended

Exhibited at Attards Transport, 117 Rakow Street

Jaddan is a visual artist working in photography. 'Mother' is a 3D Photograsphic anaglyph depicting a dry, desolate mother earth, hinting at a capacity to nurture. When it feels like.

'Caloola Creek' by Peter Osborn - Highly Commended

Exhibited at St James Mart, 137 Patton Street, South Broken Hill

Peter has worked extensively in drawing, pastel and water colour. tempera and acrylic painting. He also works in ceramics producing figurative and bas-relief sculptures and has worked with various printmaking media including etching, linocut monoprint and screen printing. This work uses red earth collected at Caloola Creek north of Broken Hill. The earth was sieved and then mixed with gum Arabic to form a paste that was painted across linen water colour paper. The resulting image expresses the coming of rain in the desert and the myriad of small streams that run to the larger creek beds creating random patterns across the country. The water then builds up in the creek washing through the grass and branches that have grown since the last rain and fills the water holes and underground basins to provide for new growth and life.

AGL Cross Cultural Scholarships

Presented in association with the AIM Group Broken Hill

In 2018 eight scholarships were awarded to artists to participate in the Desert Equinox Program. The visiting artists included Katherine Bourne, Jack Poppert, Harry Copas and Cynthia Schwertsik and they were each awarded a Residency@ The Grand at the Broken Hill Art Exchange together with a materials and travel budget. During their residency the artists were informed by the Broken Hill environments to produce artworks for exhibition. As a group they gave an artist talk to students at Willyama High School and met with BHAE members and the general public.

Artists residing in Broken Hill including John 'Jacko' Alty, Len Vodic, Tanya Reeves and Gregory Comey also received scholarships. The artists each painted a door at the residency to continue the city's historical legacy of interior wall mural painting within the the Grand building, a historically significant 1988 building and headquarters of the Broken Hill Art Exchange's International residency, which recognises the talent of artists living in the heritage city of Broken Hill.

Artist in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange Exhibition

'The Silver Paddock' by Katherine Bourne

The Silver Paddock is a multimedia installation exploring the concepts of the transportation and storage of water, our most precious natural resource, and most misused. This work explores these themes within the context of Broken Hill. The hand-made sterling silver barbed wire references the presence of mining and Western agricultural and industrial practices. This is questioned through the meticulous hand-made nature of an abstract fence, utilising precious metal to create a thing of confinement around a domestic item.

The video installation features footage of the moon at around 70% illumination from Lake Pameroo, combined with footage taken down a pipeline at Junction Mine. The video installation is concerned with the misuse of water and rising and falling water levels.

Still photo (below) from Katherine Bourne's video 'Rising Falling', produced for the Desert EquinoxBroken Hill 2018

Artist in Residence @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Exhibition by Harry Copas

Copas is an emerging multidisciplinary artist midway through study at UNSW Art & Design. He currently lives and works in Sydney, Australia. Copas produced the video 'Digging Devining' and five other works as part of the Desert Equinox during his Broken Hill Art Exchange Residency@ The Grand.

I love a sunburnt country is video documentation of a water divining performance I undertook on Lake Pameroo. The sticks used are taken from a Sydney Water cyclone fence surrounding a pipeline that runs next to the house I grew up in.

Keep it down is a sound piece installed underneath the floorboards of the gallery. The original track was taken from a continuation of the performance on Lake Pameroo, where I attempted to dig for water where the water divining sticks indicated me to do so.

Kick the bucket uses a bucket found underneath the floor of the gallery with resin casts of birds footprints, taken from the clay bed of Lake Pameroo.

Persistence of memory began with finding a novelty sized watch at the Tip Shop. Melting the plastic with a combination of a heat gun and the sun, the clock was installed out at Sunset Strip one evening to mark the going down of the sun.

B'lieve I’m going down responds to the peculiar site of the disused collapsing chimney in the corner. The video piece installed up in the cavity was created from footage taken by dropping a camera into the disused Brown Shaft at Junction Mine.

Visiting Artist Residency @ The Grand

Broken Hill Art Exchange Exhibition

'Digging, Devining' by Jack Poppert

Jack Poppert is an emerging artist and writer, whose practice explores key notions of and reactions to the modern period, broadly conceived. A range of materials and processes are deployed for these explorations, with written work often a key component. Poppert has been in two exhibitions; the Gaffa Ten Year Anniversary Show at Gaffa Gallery, and Second to None at ADspace, with written work publish in Unsweetened Literary Journal 2016, and Kindling III. Jack Poppert is the founder and editor of the Lyre Literary Journal; the inaugural issue of which is forthcoming.

Digging, Devining, Sculpture/installation

From the outside, Broken Hill is a town that seems to have risen by the process of digging. The valuable resources that created wealth and population, now speak to their absence in the structure of Mullock Heap; itself an object of unexpected value.

In the wake of revelations regarding the misuse of environmental water supplies in the Murray Darling Basin, and the most extensive drought to affect the state of NSW, and beyond, for at least 100 years, the act of digging (the hope for the miraculous) becomes a potent and tragic act.

Digging, divining, connects to a broader series of work (the Futility Series), conducted in Sydney and Athens in 2016/2017. The Futility Series is comment on the absurdists view of labour and toil. Manipulating the common garden spade, into twisted and backward angular contortions, the stalwart tool becomes a comedic object, symbolic of futility.

Visiting Artist Residencies @ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Mural & workshop

My Name - Broken Hill 2018 by Cynthia Schwertsik

This Mural has been created using womens first names found on shop fronts, here in the neighbourhood. Schwertsik frequently makes public art and part of the process to engaging with a place and discovering interesting things about the past and the present.

"We all journey through life with a given name and particularly women identify strongly with their first name, as their last name has the tendency to change. The official side of public space is still dominated by male figures through street names and monuments. Where are the women? I find their names above hairdressers, cafes and florists, small business that present their services with a personal touch."

Art on Doors AGL Cross Cultural Scholarships

Residencies@ The Grand, Broken Hill Art Exchange

Cross Cultural Scholarships were awarded to four artists based in Broken Hill to produce artworks on doors at the Broken Hill Art Exchange Residency, The Grand, 313 Argent Street. This iconic building forms an integral part of the city’s Cultural Hub & Heritage zone. The building is becoming a tourism site and the completed doors will be displayed to visitors and artists attending the residency. The scholarships provided by AGL Energy through the AIM Group, Broken Hill were awarded to Len Vodic, Tanya Reeves, John 'Jacko' Alty and Greg Comey.

Image: (left to right) Marina Draper, Manager, Government & Community Relations AGL Energy, artist John Alty, Jason King AIM representative from Screen Broken Hill, and artist Len Vodic pictured next to his painting of'Galahs'.


The Broken Hill Art Exchange Desert Equinox has now closed for the year and applications for the 2019 Artist Residency and Desert Equinox Program are now open. To apply for a residency at one of BHAE's facilities for uninterrupted studio space or community engagement activities such as running a workshop, exhibiting or performing email info@brokenhillartexchange.org.au or telephone 08 80884698. Application forms are also available on the homepage.